“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
-Margaret Mead
Write Your State Officials
At the state level, let Governor Gavin Newsom and your state assembly member and senator know that you OPPOSE SB-9 and SB-10, which further threaten our neighborhoods with overdevelopment while neglecting more effective mixed-use development in our transit corridors.
Get Your Neighbors Involved
Most San Diego residents are unaware that the October 2020 zoning changes have upzoned
backyard "granny flats" into full-scale apartment buildings.
We need to activate residents across San Diego to express their concerns to the Mayor and City Council.
• PRINT this flyer about San Diego's recent zoning changes and how this will impact your community.
• Please SHARE this website with family, friends, and neighbors who live within San Diego city limits.
• JOIN our mailing list to stay updated on this important issue.
• Contact us to VOLUNTEER and share your skills and talents.
• DOWNLOAD our petition to print and share.
• Hold a PETITION DRIVE - we provide supplies and training!
Host a Petition Drive in Your Neighborhood
Petition Drives are easy and the best way to inform your community.
Homeowners and renters alike are supportive of this effort and usually happy to sign or learn more.
Please contact us to get more information on hosting a Petition Drive in your community.
We provide all materials and training!
Petition Drives are a great way to meet neighbors and inform the community.
Distribute Flyers
Walk your neighborhood and distribute flyers to help spread the word.
It's easy and effective. We provide the printed materials.
Please contact us to receive flyers to distribute in your community.
©2021 by Neighbors For A Better San Diego.
Contact us at Better4SD@gmail.com